Welcome to my multimedia gallery showcasing my Web, CD, Flash, Shockwave, and 3D animation works. Click on the images to view their related content

‘Flare’ for Fashion 2007 - Website

Designed and developed this Website for a charity organization in the the fight against Lupus.

Flare for fashion 2007 Charity Website for the fight against Lupus

Web page layout design

Designed and developed this web page layout using Illustrator and PhotoShop for a client in the U.S.A.

Models and Photographers Web Page Design and Layout

Moving with Pets Web page layout design templates

Designed and developed this website layouts and page templates for a client in the U.S.A.

Moving with Pets Web Page Design/Development and web page templates

I.T. Xchange emarketing promotional campaign

Designed and developed this broadcast page template using Illustrator and PhotoShop. The coding for this template was done in ASP.

I.T. Xchange Broadcast Template Page

A Sample of a I.T. Xchange PowerPoint Background

Designed and developed this background using Illustrator and PhotoShop.

I.T. Xchange PowerPoint Background Sample

Ergo-Designs Flash Web site

Designed and developed this Flash Web site for their engineering services. This site also uses PHP to send email and XML to load in content.

Ergo-Designs Flash Web site -Products Page

Orange Strategy Home Page

Designed and developed this Web site for their software application and new media development firm (this site has been slightly modified -- Lead Generation section is new)

Orange Strategy Home Page

Diabetes CD Interface

Designed and developed this working Interactive Multimedia demo CD in Macromedia Director for Orange Strategy. The interface elements were created with Discreet's 3DS MAX animation software

Diabetes CD Interface

Diabetes CD Supporting Materials

Here are some 3D models showing the Drug Store Counter and the CD-P.O.S. display stand created for Orange Strategy.

Diabetes CD 3D Drug Counter and P.O.S. Display Stand

Alliance Atlantis Cinemas Web Site/CD ROM Hybrid

The redesigned and redeveloped ASP-driven site used to retrieve movie and theatre information from a database.

Alliance Atlantis Cinemas' Home Page

Alliance Atlantis Cinemas' The Locations Web Page

This is a page from the Web site (Note: The site has been slightly modified from the original site that was delivered to them in April 2001)

Alliance Atlantis Cinemas' Locations Web Page

Alliance Atlantis Cinemas Main Page for the Multimedia CD

Most of the elements seen on this page were created using Illustrator, After Effects, and PhotoShop

Alliance Atlantis Cinemas CD/Hybrid Main Page

Orange Duplication Shaped CD Page

Designed and developed this Web site for their media duplication business (currently off-line).

Orange Duplication's Shaped CD Page

Orange Duplication's Price Quoter Pages

Developed a series of interactive online price quoters with JavaScript and DHTML, and also a Partner Login with secured page access using PHP.

Orange Duplication's Online Price Quoter Page

Concepts and Business Card

Here are some early design concepts for Orange Duplication's and Orange Strategy's Web pages . Also shown is the design for Orange Strategy's business card.

Concepts and Business Card

copyrightlaws.com, Web Site/CD Hybrid

This is the redesigned and redeveloped Web site for Lesley Ellen Harris, a new media copyright lawyer/author based in the U.S.


copyrightlaws.com, Flash Intro

This is the Flash introduction that I created for the Web site.

copyrightlaws.com :: Flash Intro

Machine Demos

Here are some Flash animation demos of Industrial machines in operation. The illustrations were created in Illustrator.

Machine Demos

Deck Building 101

Here is a quick Flash animation on building a wooden deck.

Concept Flash Interface for Creativegate


One of my designs for Creativegate's new look. This was created in PhotoShop.

Creativegate's new design?

Flash Screen for Creativegate?

Here is a concept Flash interface for Creativegate

Concept Flash Interface for Creativegate

Samples of my animated Flash work

Here are some work-in-progress Flash samples. I used either Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Streamline to create the artwork.

Samples of Flash

Flash Space Shuttle Animation

This space shuttle animation was created using Flash and Illustrator. Click on the image to see this short looped animation.

Space Shuttle Flash Animation

Wong's World

Here is another sample of a Flash animated cartoon. I used Adobe Illustrator and Streamline to create most of the artwork.

Wong's World

Flash Aliens

Here is another sample of a Flash animated cartoon. I used Adobe Illustrator to create most of the artwork.

Flash Aliens

DA e Collectables

This site is a demostration of my abilities to create a fully functional e-commerce site using ASP technology and Cult3D.(Currently offline- click image to view sample pages)

DA e Collectables Home Page::Click this image to view some of the sample pages

DA e Collectables Cult3D Samples

These are some of the Cult3D models seen on this e-commerce site. ::Cult3D Viewer:: Plug-in required (click image to view sample models)

DA e Collectables Cult3D Models ::Cult3D plug-in required::Click image to view models

3D Animation Shorts Films

These three simple animated movies is a small demostration of my animation skills using 3D Studio MAX. Click on each of the images to see the short films :: QuickTime :: player required

Play the 3D Film Reel Animation ::(1.01MB)Play the 3D Vase Animation ::(1.04MB)Play the 3D Character Animation ::(340KB)

War of Words Game CD

This CD game is a demostration of my Director skills in advanced Lingo programming.Click on the image for the intro movie :: QuickTime :: player required:: Play the Game :: Shockwave Player Required::

War of Words Game-click here to see intro movie (477KB), ::QuickTime Player required

Art of Animation

This site was designed and developed as an introduction to animation

View the Art of Animation